5 Ways a Social Media Marketing Agency In London Can Leverage AI

5 Ways a Social Media Marketing Agency In London Can Leverage AI

Are you still running away from artificial intelligence? You got to stop! AI is the present and future. From your shopping carts to healthcare apps, it is everywhere. So why not include it in your social media marketing strategy? AI can significantly help you crack the customer code and leverage insights. Here are five ways a social media marketing agency in London can utilise AI.

  1. Use AI chatbots for customer engagement: Gone are the days when your customer had to wait hours to get a response from the marketing team. Today AI bots are providing faster and smarter solutions. They also help in engaging the customers. In 2017, beauty brand Sephora’s chatbot started giving beauty advice to users. It began with a quiz to better understand the client’s needs. AI chatbots also assist in order replacements and product searches.
  2. Enhance visual content strategy: Do you know how your videos and pictures will perform before you post them? Well, AI tools enable you to predict the visual content’s performance by analysing trends. These power tools tell you how the viewers will react to images or videos based on their composition, colour palette, texture, and other elements.
  3. Use AI for content creation & distribution: One of the challenging parts of content creation is coming up with new shareable and engaging ideas every day. AI-powered tools can help you search trending content ideas. Moreover, other tools can help you repurpose content, such as creating tweets from URLs, documents, etc. You can also use AI tools to automate marketing processes like scheduling posts.
  4. Employ sentiment analysis to manage brand reputation: Social listening is integral to social media marketing in a landscape where customers are more vocal than ever. Sentiment analysis is a natural language processing method that allows you to track customer conversations on the internet. Such analysis is performed on text data to understand brand and product feedback, customer needs, etc. AI tools help you monitor the conversation and gather the information that is decoded to get insights.
  5. Track and monitor campaign progress: The ultimate goal of creating content on social media can range from spiking sales to receiving engagement and reaching target customers. But how do you know if your content did its job? AI tools can help you track and monitor the campaign’s performance. After getting the results, you can optimise them as and when required. It also enables you to identify the shortcoming in your current campaign. Furthermore, you can also determine who engages with your content the most and at what time.

Final words:

AI is not a threat to marketers but a helpful friend if you know how to use it correctly. The experts at NHANCE Digital can combine the best practices from AI and social media marketing to drive sales and increase customer engagement for your brand. Additionally, an SEO agency in Birmingham can merge SEO with social media to produce seamless marketing campaigns leveraging their benefits.