Elements that Your Small Business SEO Strategy Must Include

Elements that Your Small Business SEO Strategy Must Include

In Nhance Digital’s 10 years of experience in the field of digital marketing, we have come across small business owners who are utterly scared of SEO or search engine optimisation. Undoubtedly, SEO is a complex process and has different interconnected parts. So, we agree that business owners can feel a bit overwhelmed and confused as to which strategies to consider. To help you out, we have outlined below a few of the must-have elements of an SEO strategy.

SEO audit

It is important to know where you stand before trying out different SEO strategies. Auditing your website will give you a clear idea about where you stand, the things that are working and the things that need improvement. Audit will also help you understand whether your website is user-friendly, reliable and easy to navigate. It can also assess the performance of your website in the SERPs for the chosen keywords.

Selecting the right keywords

You cannot randomly choose keywords. You have to invest time and effort into keyword research so that you find the right phrases or words to target. It is these words or phrases that your website will be ranking for. You have to ensure that the keywords chosen have a good search volume and conversion rate.

Content creation

Successful SEO strategies are built on the bedrock of informative, relevant and well-written content. Craft content to educate visitors about your product or services, to answer questions that your potential customers are asking or to give them more information about your company. You need to include relevant keywords in the content so that it is optimised for the search engines.

Make your website responsive

A responsive website is the need of the hour. Most of your potential customers are searching for you on their mobile devices. With a responsive website, you can be sure of your website loading seamlessly across all devices and screen sizes. You can just have one website for desktops, smartphones, tablets, laptops and other devices. You have to ensure that your website loads under 3 seconds.

In addition to the above, there are a few other SEO elements that you need to know. For that, connect with Nhance Digital. We are the well-known providers of small business SEO in Edinburgh and we can help you in expanding your business and standing apart in the online world.