Ace Serp Ranking With These SEO Strategies

Ace Serp Ranking With These SEO Strategies

SEO is a dynamic and volatile part of digital marketing that changes its colours in the blink of an eye. That said, it is essential to partner with a knowledgeable SEO agency in Newcastle like NHANCE Digital and know the latest SEO strategies you must implement so you can fight for the top spot on the SERPs.

Here are the strategies that will help you achieve the top SERP ranking.

  • Create user-focused content

Since 2021, user-centric content is at the forefront. Google has made it amply clear that user intent is at the centre stage of it all. Other search engines are also following suit.

Hence, businesses must ensure their website content and related blogs and articles must offer valuable information to the users. There must be the right use of relevant keywords so it is easier for users to find what they are looking for.

  • Optimise for featured snippets

Featured snippets or rich snippets are the vogue of the search engine optimisation world. In this section, the answers that precise to the search queries of the users are displayed and this usually appears on top of the SERPs, even before PPC ads.

To get featured here, your content must be written in the form of FAQs, listicles, or how-to guides.

  • Have a responsive website

People prefer browsing the Internet and visiting websites on their mobile phones. Popular search engines like Google prefer to rank mobile-friendly websites because they offer improved user experience. So, if your website is not ready for mobile viewing, it will experience a high bounce rate. Reach out to NHANCE Digital, a highly trusted Newcastle web design company, and our team will assess whether your website is ready for mobile consumption or it needs to be designed responsively.

  • Invest in off-page optimisation

Most businesses spend most of their time and effort into on-page optimisation with keyword research, curating high-quality content, and making sure their website is mobile-friendly and loads fast. What most businesses forget about is off-page optimisation.

Off-page optimisation includes building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in the industry, optimising Google My Business listing and other local directories to improve local search visibility, and building a brand through social media.

Focusing on these off-page optimisation tactics will help you achieve the top spot on the SERPs.

So, these are some SEO strategies to remember and implement if you are aiming for the top position on the SERPs. If you need any help on the way, don’t hesitate to call NHANCE Digital.

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