Helpful Tips for Generating Leads Using SEO

Helpful Tips for Generating Leads Using SEO

For online marketing in Edinburgh, lead generation is key to your business’ success. But, we, at Nhance Digital, come across many clients whose attempts at lead generation do not work. If you are stuck in the same situation, you are probably not making the right use of SEO or search engine optimisation. It is important to remember that to be relevant to your online audience, you need to have a strong SEO strategy in place. Unless your website is optimised for search engines and users, the chances of consumers knowing about your existence are low. Below given are some of the strategies that we implement to help our clients achieve their lead generation goals.

Keyword research

Keywords play an important role in SEO. Without keywords, search engines like Google will have a tough time knowing when to show your website. So, our team invests considerable time and resources to carry out keyword research, as well as, competitor analysis. We also do market research and study the intent and behaviour of the consumers. This gives us ample data to make use of the right keywords that are being searched by users. Knowing and using the right keywords can make a huge difference and you can be sure of Google showing your website for relevant searches.

Responsive website

We encourage all our clients to create a responsive website as more and more today are relying on their mobile devices to perform searches. It is widely estimated that about 60% of consumers will leave a website if it does not load properly on their mobile devices. We have designers and developers on our team proficient in creating responsive websites that easily adapt to any screen size.

Positive reviews

The market today is filled with so many choices that consumers feel overwhelmed. However, one way that they weed out brands is by going through reviews. A lot of consumers base their choices on reviews. This is why our team implements various techniques to get reviews from consumers. This helps in creating brand loyalty.

Blog creation

Blogs are considered to be a great lead generation tool. Blog posts give consumers the information that they are looking for. It also helps in establishing a business as the authority in its specific niche.

If you need more help with lead generation, reach out to us. We are an affordable SEO company in Edinburgh with years of relevant experience.