Why is it Lucrative to Prioritise SEM in Your Overall Online Marketing Strategy?

Why is it Lucrative to Prioritise SEM in Your Overall Online Marketing Strategy?

The acceleration of online activity over the past 5 years has been phenomenal. Unprecedented growth has been witnessed by the global society in the area of online activity, from shopping to gathering information and everything in between. This growth has spanned not just desktop, but also mobile technologies. However, some industries or businesses still have not made SEM (search engine marketing) a priority. One of the reasons may be the lack of understanding of SEM and how it works. The SEM experts at Nhance Digital decided to offer basic information regarding SEM so that it is adopted and given the precedence that it deserves. Read on to know more.

SEM – What is it about?

SEM or search engine marketing is the entire set of strategies and techniques used to generate more visitors from search engines to marketing your website or business. Our professionals promote websites by employing contextual advertising, paid search and organic placement so that the site’s online visibility is increased in search engine results pages.

  • Contextual Advertising: This form of advertising refers to text ads targeted to writing in the digital space, such as articles and blogs. Nhance Digital’s content writing team is comprised of wordsmiths capable of crafting interesting, engaging and informative content. We draw on their expertise to help our clients connect with their audience.
  • Paid Search: Have you noticed the text ads that appear in search engines, such as Yahoo or Google? These are referred to as paid search and directed towards a user’s keyword search. It is also known as cost-per-click or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Paid search is highly targeted and when aided with strong analytics, it can be extremely helpful in determining ROI. PPC forms an integral part of our search engine marketing services and we can help you with creating and running PPC campaigns.
  • Organic search or SEO: Organic search or SEO refers to the results that come up, via generic search. Your website’s web page copy, HTML code, site navigation and more, must be optimised so that it ranks high in a search. The higher the rank of your website, the more is the likelihood of consumers clicking on it.

So, as seen above, SEM combines search engine optimisation, PPC and contextual advertising. We, at Nhance Digital, can develop a tailored SEM campaign for your business directed towards gaining results and better ROI. With our SEM strategy, you can look forward to achieving the following:

  • Increase your brand awareness
  • Generate online leads and improve sales
  • Provide informative and intriguing content to your target audience

Talk to us today to discuss your specific needs and business objectives.

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