Top SEO trends predictions for 2022

Top SEO trends predictions for 2022

The importance of SEO in attracting customers to online platforms is known by most businesses today. But, SEO is changing and evolving constantly, and businesses need to stay on top of the trends to ensure their strategies are relevant and effective. So, if you are relying on the same tactics you have been using for several years, it is time for you to learn some new SEO strategies.

At Nhance Digital, our team of SEO professionals are continually adapting to the latest trends and helping clients do the same. To keep you updated, we have rounded some of the biggest SEO trends that will make an impact in 2022.

Shift to long-form content

The trend is toward shifting to a long-form content strategy. Research says the content of approximately 2,000 to 3,000 words gets more traffic and shares. It captivates the audience and encourages them to visit business websites. Eventually, it results in improved search rankings.

But, shifting to writing long-form content is not easy. You need to make sure the content is engaging throughout. To do that, you can break up your content using H2 and H3 subheadings so that your content is scannable. The ultimate aim is to make the content easy for readers to scan and browse, especially mobile devices. It can be intimidating for readers to go through big chunks of text.
Also, ensure the content is easy to share. You can include all the social share buttons and links at the beginning or end of your content.

Content focused on satisfying the EAT principle

The search giant has repeatedly emphasised the importance of content quality and made it clear that only high-quality content will be ranked. If you wonder what Google means by quality content, it refers to the search giant’s EAT principle. The content should showcase expertise (E) and authoritativeness (A) in your niche and trustworthiness (T). These factors are taken into consideration by Google to determine if the webpage or blog post offers quality content.

For creating content that adheres to the EAT principle, you need to create buyer personas and invest in user research. You need to understand the user intent to choose your keywords carefully. Also, it helps if you research and understand the kind of topics that your target audience values.

Mobile-friendliness is important

Since Google made mobile-friendliness a ranking factor in 2015, it has been a cornerstone of search engine optimisation. It is more important than ever that your content is optimised for mobile devices as the search giant rolled out mobile-first indexing. It means that popular search engines primarily look at the website’s mobile version to rank content. So, the mobile version is now considered as the primary version as opposed to the desktop version.

You can check if your website is mobile-friendly by running a few tests. If you find that your website is not compatible with mobile devices, connect with us. We highly recommend designing a responsive website that works perfectly across all devices and screen sizes. This way, you get to have one website that works on desktops and mobile devices, and you would not have to worry about updating and maintaining two separate websites.

The prominence of featured snippets

If you want to climb SERP rankings, you do not need to generate long-form content solely. Featured snippets are a shortcut to gain prominence in Google, even if your website is not in the top ten search engine rankings.
A snippet is a box that appears at the top of the SERPs when you type something in Google’s search bar. This box appears before the actual results, and it is called position zero. Scoring a featured snippet can be a great way to improve your online visibility and even steal traffic for your competitors.

Featured snippets are typically structured as how-to guides, brief bullet points or questions and answers. You will also see snippets including product prices, images, reviews and other bits of information.

Staying prepared for 2022 is important so that you can give your competitors a run for their money. These are some of the SEO predictions for the next year that you must keep in mind. If you need any assistance, we are an established SEO company in Liverpool that you can turn to.