Ways to build and protect your business’ online reputation

Ways to build and protect your business’ online reputation

Today, everyone is living in a search-happy world. It is a given that before customers consider doing business with you, they will Google you first. This is why it is imperative that your brand’s online presence is strong. Creating a shareable, reputable and easily searchable content is your best defence against negative reviews or comments appearing first in search results for your business. But, just creating an online brand presence is not enough, you also have to ensure that you have a spotless online reputation. How can you do that? We, at NHANCE Digital, have listed below online reputation management practices that will help shape the search results of your brand and boost its online credibility.

Always keep your website updated

Website is the first place that your potential customers will visit when researching about your business. You have to ensure to leave a strong first impression. Once you have taken care of the basics like, the contact information, landing page and product or service offerings, you can add other features.

You can write a good bio on your website so that people know what your company is all about and what you are offering. In the bio, you can include your past experiences, area of expertise, major accomplishments and so on.

Also, if there are any changes in the location of your company or contact information, update your website with the relevant details. An up-to-date website gives customers the assurance that the business is legitimate and credible.

Create a blog for your company

A company blog can help you achieve a lot more than just greater visibility in the SERPs. It can also drive more traffic to your website and help you in building relationships with your target audience. Most importantly, a company blog will position you as a leader in your niche. It will provide your potential customers all the information that they need regarding your business, products or latest industry trends. A well-written blog will give you both exposure and authority. In order to give your online reputation a boost, you must keep the company blog updated with new posts.

Focus on managing online reviews

On average, 88% of all customers read and trust online reviews. This only comes second to personal recommendations. So, you cannot ignore the importance of online reviews. Showcasing the experience that your customers have had with your company can create realistic and positive expectations. However, this also means that you are opening yourself up to negative reviews who may not have had a great experience with your company.

This is why you need to manage online reviews. You have to encourage your customers to leave a positive review so that the negative reviews do not come in focus. Also, you have to treat your customers’ right and provide them with what you promise. Most importantly, regardless of whether the feedback is positive or negative, you must respond to them. This will show your customers that you care.

Socialise relevant content of your company

Social networking websites like, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram are extremely popular. They are also a great platform to advertise your company and connect with potential customers. You can great social media accounts for your company and share relevant information to showcase that your company is active. Being found on social media is also a great way to build and maintain your online reputation. These platforms give you ample opportunities to engage with your target audience and create long-lasting relationships.

Do not ignore your personal brand

If you focus on developing your personal brand the same way that you develop your business brand, you will have increased influence and visibility on the SERPs. This is particularly true in the case of up-and-coming businesses trying to find a foothold in the industry.

You must remember that an online reputation can make or break your business. If you do not invest in managing your brand’s online reputation, you may lose out on a lot of potential customers. It can severely impact your bottom line. If you need help, connect with NHANCE Digital. We are an online reputation management agency in the UK specializing in providing bespoke solutions.