What are the Critical Aspects of an SEO Strategy?

What are the Critical Aspects of an SEO Strategy?

Internet users are heavily dependent on search engines, especially Google to find out about new products or services. Also, users rely on search engines to help them make sense of the search results. It is a common trait amongst Internet users to trust the brand or visit the website that appears on the first page of SERPs. But, how exactly does Google or other search engines determine which website answers the query of the users best? To help you understand this, Nhance Digital’s team of SEO professionals have listed below three aspects that play a critical role in SEO – relevance, authority and trust. Continue reading to find out how each of these aspects helps in shaping an effective and powerful SEO strategy.

Website content

If you want to appear relevant to search engines, you need to craft website content that helps the search engine bots and users understand your business model, products or services. Search engine bots are going to thoroughly analyse the content found on each page of your website and determine if it is helpful to Internet users. When the bots are able to understand the content found on your website, they will index your webpages and make sure that they are found easily.


Search engines are specifically designed to connect Internet users with authoritative sources, which includes answering their questions. Search engines make use of algorithms to find, index and comprehend the topics that are found on websites. But, not all answers are ranked on top of the SERPs. Page authority is a determining factor when it comes to ranking. You can gain authority by connecting with influencers or working with our best SEO expert in London.


Link building continues to play a crucial role in SEO. If you acquire good quality links from established websites, it will improve your website’s page authority. Also, more quality backlinks will mean that your website can be trusted. This will help in building brand loyalty and driving more customers.

So, if you want to check if the above-mentioned aspects are considered in your SEO strategy in place, Nhance Digital can conduct an in-depth audit. Alternatively, we can help you create and implement a results-driven, ROI-focused SEO strategy that will make your business stand out from the rest. Get in touch to discuss your specific business needs and objectives, today!